Corpus linguistics in the south 13: presentations #cls13



Corpus Linguistics on the South 13

The Hillary Clinton emails: corpus linguistics meets the real world

Rachele de Felice, University College London


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Redactions. Materially annoying, so much is deleted that POS tagging becomes problematic.

Lots of repeated materials because of e-mail chains.

What about names and entities? H, HC, Hillary, MS is the same referent.

Which device was used? iPad, desktop, phone?

What about times?

Unique Ids for everything (G. Garretson): each e-mail given unique id


Grain and scale: Looking at small data sets in broader sociocultural contexts

Colleen Cotter, Lisa McEntee-Atalianis and Danniella Samos
Queen Mary University of London and (LMA) Birkbeck, University of London

Tracing the migrant voice in UK media

Voice: linguistic construction of social personae (Keane 2003: 268)

They looked at quotations.

Jan-Dec 2015; migrants & Calais; Lexis Nexis

Investigating obesity

Corpus linguistics and news representations: a corpus-assisted framing analysis of mental health and arts participation messages in the British press
Dimitrinka Atanasova and Nelya Koteyko, Queen Mary University of London

Framing analysis: QUAL Framing is selecting aspects of reality and make them more salient (Entman 1993)

Keywords play a role in both framing analysis and corpus linguistics

Recovery was the most prominent frame

CL gives more opportunities to look at a wider range of articles (i.e. local newspapers cater for smaller communities).