International Doctoral Summer School in Applied Linguistics & TESOL (2023)

Summer School website


University of Malta Valletta Campus, St Paul Street
Valletta VLT 1216, Malta

The Centre for English Language Proficiency (CELP) will host a five-day Doctoral Summer School on 3-7 July 2023. This will take place at the University of Malta’s Valletta Campus.

The Summer School offers PhD students in Applied Linguistics and TESOL the opportunity to further develop their research skills, fine-tune their projects, and learn about a range of contemporary key issues in the field. The Summer School will enable participants to engage in stimulating discussions, showcase their doctoral research, and network with other researchers operating within the global context of Applied Linguistics and TESOL. As part of the Summer School, students will have the opportunity to deliver a talk about their doctoral research as well as a poster presentation.

The workshops and seminars forming part of the Summer School will be facilitated by several international academics. These include Prof Lourdes Ortega (Georgetown University), Prof Sarah Mercer (University of Graz), Prof Pascual Pérez-Paredes (University of Murcia), and Prof Shelley Staples (University of Arizona), and Dr Geraldine Mark (Cardiff University). These academics will also be delivering talks on how they manage their research projects and deal with the challenges that arise in the process of doing empirical research.

An integral part of the Summer School consists of the one-on-one consultation sessions that students can sign up for with any of the above academics. These sessions will enable each student to discuss their doctoral research with someone who is highly experienced in doing research and supervising doctoral work.

Students are welcome from across the globe and it is anticipated that this will be a truly international exchange. In order for students to be eligible to attend the Summer School, they will need to be enrolled on a doctoral programme in Applied Linguistics and/or TESOL at a higher education institution. They will need to submit a 150-word statement of motivation explaining why they wish to take part in the Summer School and what they hope to gain from participating.

Some of the topics that the Summer School will focus on include:

•    Identifying research issues in Applied Linguistics and TESOL;
•    Formulating and evaluating research questions;
•    Developing a theoretical framework;
•    Using mixed methods research;
•    Using innovative research methodologies;
•    Writing and publishing Applied Linguistics and TESOL research;
•    Presenting and networking at research conferences;
•    Building an academic profile as a researcher;
•    Bridging research and practice for multiple stakeholders;
•    Leveraging the impact of Applied Linguistics and TESOL research

Digital resources for academic and scientific writing – San Javier, 18 – 22 July

The 7th edition of Writing Science in English aims to provide participants with strategies to write in a clearer and more academic way in English.

In this edition, we will delve into the use of digital resources that allow us to achieve these goals. To this end, we will combine theoretical sessions with practical activities.

The course will be conducted in English and will be taught by specialist teachers from various universities in the United Kingdom, Ireland and Spain.

Sessions and schedule here.

Registration here.

Click here to know more about the instructors.

Escribir ciencia en inglés

Escribir Ciencia en Inglés es un curso destinado a la reflexión y el análisis del uso de la lengua inglesa en los artículos de investigación publicados en revistas científicas. Los profesores que imparten el curso son expertos en el estudio del género lingüístico y la lingüística aplicada en diferentes universidades. Una de las actividades del curso consistirá en una mesa redonda con editores de revistas científicas en la que se abordará el papel de la lengua inglesa como instrumento de internacionalización de la investigación. Este curso es parte de los esfuerzos de nuestras universidades por mejorar la difusión de la investigación en un contexto de excelencia, global y especializado.
Fechas y lugar de celebración
Fechas de realización: Del 17-07-2012 al 20-07-2012
Lugar: Aulario de la Merced. Aula 1.12. Murcia.

Teaching staff
Pilar Aguado joined the English Department at the University of Murcia in 1990. She took her PhD in 1997 (Shakespeare’s Stage Directions: F1 and Editorial Intervention in the 18th Century) and got her permanent position as a Senior lecturer in 2004. Her main teaching and research interests are Teaching English as a Foreign Language, ICTs, Materials Design and ESP. She has been a Language Advisor for CAGE Panel, Cambridge University Press (2003/05), has been involved in several research projects on Learner Corpora and Orality, and collaborates as a referee in some international journals in the field of English Studies. She is now involved in a National Project on Legal Language based on corpora.

Mª Luisa Carrió Pastor is a senior lecturer of English Language at the Universidad Politécnica de Valencia. Her research areas are contrastive linguistics, error analysis and the study of academic and professional discourse for second language acquisition. Her publications include Contrastive analysis of scientific-technical discourse: Common writing errors and variations in the use of English as a non-native language (UMI, 2005); “Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) in a technical higher education environment” (Peter Lang, 2007), “Internet as a tool to learn a second language in a technical environment” (European Journal of Engineering Education, 2007),  “English Complex Noun Phrase Interpretation by Spanish Learners” (RESLA, 2008), “Learner-Instructor collaborative design of content and language integrated writing activities” (ITL-International Journal of Applied Linguistics, 2008), “Contrasting Specific English Corpora: Language Variation” (IJES, 2009) and “Lexical variations in  business e-mails written by  non-native speakers of English” (LSP and Professional Communication, 2012). She has also been editor of several books as Aprendizaje colaborativo asistido por ordenador (2006), Innovaciones docentes en la Lingüística y las Lenguas Aplicadas (2008) and Content and Language Integrated Learning: Cultural diversity (2009).
Joan García Haro. Ingeniero de Telecomunicación (1989), Doctor Ingeniero de Telecomunicación (1995) por la Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña (UPC). Ha sido Profesor del Departamento de Matemática Aplicada y Telemática (DMAT) de la UPC desde 1992. En septiembre de 1999 se trasladó en Comisión de Servicios a la Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena (UPCT), donde actualmente es Catedrático de Universidad en el Departamento de Tecnologías de la Información y las Comunicaciones. Ha sido director de centro (ETSIT). Ha estado y está involucrado en múltiples proyectos de investigación nacional e internacional. Ha sido Investigador Visitante en Queen’s University at Kingston, Ontario, Canada (1991, 1992) y en Cornell University, Ithaca, USA (2010-2011). Es autor o co-autor de más de 70 artículos de en revistas indexadas y ha sido evaluado positivamente por la CNAI de 3 tramos de investigación. Desde 2001 hasta 2011 ha prestado servicio como Editor Técnico de la revista IEEE Communications Magazine. Formó parte del Steering Committee de la revista IEEE Pervasive durante el año 2005. Asimismo, ha sido galardonado con una Mención Honorífica de la Sociedad de Comunicaciones del IEEE por el mejor artículo tutorial (1995). Finalmente, ha sido y es revisor de proyectos europeos, nacionales y regionales tanto para agencias de evaluación públicas como privadas.
Rosa M. Manchón is Professor of Applied Linguistics at the University of Murcia, Spain, where she teaches undergraduate courses in applied linguistics and second language acquisition (SLA) as well as postgraduate courses in research methodology, language teaching methodology and SLA.  Her research interests and publications focus on cognitive aspects of SLA, and SLA-oriented L2 writing. She has published articles in journals such as Communication and Cognition, Learning and Instruction, International Journal of English Studies, Journal of Second Language Writing, Language Learning, and The Modern Language Journal. She has edited 4 guest edited issues in IRAL (2008, with Jasone Cenoz), International Journal of English Studies (2001, 2007), and Journal of Second Language Writing (2008, with Pieter de Haan) as well as several books: Writing in Foreign Language Contexts: Learning, Teaching and Research (Multilingual Matters, 2009), Learning-to-Write and Writing-to-Lear
n in an Additional Language
(John Benjamins, in press/2011), Task-based L2 Language Learning: Insights from and for L2 Writing (with H. Byrnes. John Benjamins, In preparation, 2012),L2 Writing Development: Multiple Perspectives (De Gruyter Mouton, 2012), and The handbook of Second and Foreign Language Writing (with Paul Patsuda, in preparation).  She has served on the Editorial Board of the AILA Applied Linguistics Series (2005-2011) and in 2011 she was elected AILA Publications Coordinator, hence becoming Editor of AILA Review and the AILA Applied Linguistics Series, both published by John Benjamins. She serves on several journal editorial boards and has been Co-Editor of the Journal of Second Language Writing since January 2009 (first with Ilona Leki and currently with Christine Tardy). In the last ten years she has been the head researcher of 6 long-term, publicly financed research projects.
Gregorio Martinez is an Associate Professor in the Department of Information and Communications Engineering of the University of Murcia. His research interests include security and management of distributed communication networks. He received the M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in Computer Science from the University of Murcia. He has published more than a hundred journal articles and conference papers. He has been involved as collaborator or supervisor in several open-source software projects. He is also on the editorial or review board of more than 20 international journals.
Pascual Pérez-Paredes’ main interests are quantitative research of register variation, the compilation and use of language corpora and the implementation of Information and Communication Technologies in Foreign Language Teaching/Learning. He has been project coordinator of a MINERVA initiative funded by the European Commission SACODEYL; coordinator in Spain of Corpora for Content & Language Integrated Learning, a LLP K2 Transversal programme, responsable for the Spanish EFL component of the Louvain International Database of Spoken English Interlanguage (UCL) and research member of the The International Corpus of Crosslinguistic Interlanguage  (TUFS, Japan). Some of his most recent publications include Researching Specilized Languages, co-edited with V. Bhatia and P. Sánchez, John Benjamins;  Developing annotation solutions for online Data Driven Learning, ReCALL Journal; the co-edition of Software-aided analysis of language, with Mike Scott and P. Sánchez;  or research papers on JCR-indexed  journals such as International Journal of corpus Linguistics, System, Language, Learning and Technology or CALL, all of them dealing with the interplay of language corpora, language analysis and language education.  In 2009 and 2010, he was a Research Fellow with the English Department in Northern Arizona University, developing research with Douglas Biber and Randi Reppen. Pascual Pérez-paredes is the Principal Investigator (PI) for Languages for specific purposes, language corpora, and English linguistics applied to knowledgeengineering at UM.  At the moment, he is co-editing a special issue for ReCALL journal (Cambridge University Press) entitled “Researching new uses of corpora for language teaching and learning”. Pascual Pérez-Paredes is an undergradute computer scientist and passionate for digital culture and computers. He is also a qualified Official Translator appointed by the Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Purificación Sánchez Hernández is a senior lecturer in the Department of English at the University of Murcia where she teaches undergraduate and master courses on English for Specific Purposes: Science and Technology and Applied Linguistics.  Her major research interests comprise scientific discourse, analysis of the language of Biology and the compilation and use of language corpora. Some of his most recent publications include Researching Specilized Languages, co-edited with V. Bhatia and P. Pérez-Paredes, John Benjamins and  the co-edition of Software-aided analysis of language, with Mike Scott and P. Pérez-Paredes In the last 3 years she has been the head researcher in an European funded project. She has been a professional translator in the field of science and has taught several courses on Writing research papers for novice teachers in the University of Murcia

Carmen Sancho Guinda is a senior lecturer in the Department of Applied Linguistics at the Polytechnic University of Madrid, where she teaches English for Academic Purposes and Professional Communication and coordinates in-service training seminars for teachers undertaking English-medium instruction within EHEA programmes. Her major research interests comprise the interdisciplinary study of discourse, genre analysis and innovation in the teaching and learning of academic literacies. She has recently co-edited Stance and Voice in Written Academic Genres with Ken Hyland (Palgrave, 2012) and is currently engaged in the co-edition of Narrative in Academic and Professional Genres (Peter Lang, 2013) with Maurizio Gotti.
Debra Westall has been a member of the teaching and research staff at the Department of Applied Linguistics (Universitat Politècnica de València) (UPV) since 1996 and is Associate Professor of English for Specific Purposes. Her current research interests are language contact between American English and Peninsular Spanish, Spanish nutritional discourse and health reporting on childhood obesity. She is co-author of three books for learners of English for academic purposes. Her decade of experience as a linguistic consultant and scientific editor has also allowed her to explore how UPV researchers write for publication in high-impact journals.

Escribir ciencia en inglés

Escribir Ciencia en Inglés es un curso destinado a la reflexión y el análisis del uso de la lengua inglesa en los artículos de investigación publicados en revistas científicas. Los profesores que imparten el curso son expertos en el estudio del género lingüístico y la lingüística aplicada en diferentes universidades. Una de las actividades del curso consistirá en una mesa redonda con editores de revistas científicas en la que se abordará el papel de la lengua inglesa como instrumento de internacionalización de la investigación. Este curso es parte de los esfuerzos de nuestras universidades por mejorar la difusión de la investigación en un contexto de excelencia, global y especializado.
Fechas y lugar de celebración
Fechas de realización: Del 17-07-2012 al 20-07-2012
Lugar: Aulario de la Merced. Aula 1.12. Murcia.

Teaching staff
Pilar Aguado joined the English Department at the University of Murcia in 1990. She took her PhD in 1997 (Shakespeare’s Stage Directions: F1 and Editorial Intervention in the 18th Century) and got her permanent position as a Senior lecturer in 2004. Her main teaching and research interests are Teaching English as a Foreign Language, ICTs, Materials Design and ESP. She has been a Language Advisor for CAGE Panel, Cambridge University Press (2003/05), has been involved in several research projects on Learner Corpora and Orality, and collaborates as a referee in some international journals in the field of English Studies. She is now involved in a National Project on Legal Language based on corpora.

Mª Luisa Carrió Pastor is a senior lecturer of English Language at the Universidad Politécnica de Valencia. Her research areas are contrastive linguistics, error analysis and the study of academic and professional discourse for second language acquisition. Her publications include Contrastive analysis of scientific-technical discourse: Common writing errors and variations in the use of English as a non-native language (UMI, 2005); “Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) in a technical higher education environment” (Peter Lang, 2007), “Internet as a tool to learn a second language in a technical environment” (European Journal of Engineering Education, 2007),  “English Complex Noun Phrase Interpretation by Spanish Learners” (RESLA, 2008), “Learner-Instructor collaborative design of content and language integrated writing activities” (ITL-International Journal of Applied Linguistics, 2008), “Contrasting Specific English Corpora: Language Variation” (IJES, 2009) and “Lexical variations in  business e-mails written by  non-native speakers of English” (LSP and Professional Communication, 2012). She has also been editor of several books as Aprendizaje colaborativo asistido por ordenador (2006), Innovaciones docentes en la Lingüística y las Lenguas Aplicadas (2008) and Content and Language Integrated Learning: Cultural diversity (2009).
Joan García Haro. Ingeniero de Telecomunicación (1989), Doctor Ingeniero de Telecomunicación (1995) por la Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña (UPC). Ha sido Profesor del Departamento de Matemática Aplicada y Telemática (DMAT) de la UPC desde 1992. En septiembre de 1999 se trasladó en Comisión de Servicios a la Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena (UPCT), donde actualmente es Catedrático de Universidad en el Departamento de Tecnologías de la Información y las Comunicaciones. Ha sido director de centro (ETSIT). Ha estado y está involucrado en múltiples proyectos de investigación nacional e internacional. Ha sido Investigador Visitante en Queen’s University at Kingston, Ontario, Canada (1991, 1992) y en Cornell University, Ithaca, USA (2010-2011). Es autor o co-autor de más de 70 artículos de en revistas indexadas y ha sido evaluado positivamente por la CNAI de 3 tramos de investigación. Desde 2001 hasta 2011 ha prestado servicio como Editor Técnico de la revista IEEE Communications Magazine. Formó parte del Steering Committee de la revista IEEE Pervasive durante el año 2005. Asimismo, ha sido galardonado con una Mención Honorífica de la Sociedad de Comunicaciones del IEEE por el mejor artículo tutorial (1995). Finalmente, ha sido y es revisor de proyectos europeos, nacionales y regionales tanto para agencias de evaluación públicas como privadas.
Rosa M. Manchón is Professor of Applied Linguistics at the University of Murcia, Spain, where she teaches undergraduate courses in applied linguistics and second language acquisition (SLA) as well as postgraduate courses in research methodology, language teaching methodology and SLA.  Her research interests and publications focus on cognitive aspects of SLA, and SLA-oriented L2 writing. She has published articles in journals such as Communication and Cognition, Learning and Instruction, International Journal of English Studies, Journal of Second Language Writing, Language Learning, and The Modern Language Journal. She has edited 4 guest edited issues in IRAL (2008, with Jasone Cenoz), International Journal of English Studies (2001, 2007), and Journal of Second Language Writing (2008, with Pieter de Haan) as well as several books: Writing in Foreign Language Contexts: Learning, Teaching and Research (Multilingual Matters, 2009), Learning-to-Write and Writing-to-Learn in an Additional Language (John Benjamins, in press/2011), Task-based L2 Language Learning: Insights from and for L2 Writing (with H. Byrnes. John Benjamins, In preparation, 2012),L2 Writing Development: Multiple Perspectives (De Gruyter Mouton, 2012), and The handbook of Second and Foreign Language Writing (with Paul Patsuda, in preparation).  She has served on the Editorial Board of the AILA Applied Linguistics Series (2005-2011) and in 2011 she was elected AILA Publications Coordinator, hence becoming Editor of AILA Review and the AILA Applied Linguistics Series, both published by John Benjamins. She serves on several journal editorial boards and has been Co-Editor of the Journal of Second Language Writing since January 2009 (first with Ilona Leki and currently with Christine Tardy). In the last ten years she has been the head researcher of 6 long-term, publicly financed research projects.
Gregorio Martinez is an Associate Professor in the Department of Information and Communications Engineering of the University of Murcia. His research interests include security and management of distributed communication networks. He received the M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in Computer Science from the University of Murcia. He has published more than a hundred journal articles and conference papers. He has been involved as collaborator or supervisor in several open-source software projects. He is also on the editorial or review board of more than 20 international journals.
Pascual Pérez-Paredes’ main interests are quantitative research of register variation, the compilation and use of language corpora and the implementation of Information and Communication Technologies in Foreign Language Teaching/Learning. He has been project coordinator of a MINERVA initiative funded by the European Commission SACODEYL; coordinator in Spain of Corpora for Content & Language Integrated Learning, a LLP K2 Transversal programme, responsable for the Spanish EFL component of the Louvain International Database of Spoken English Interlanguage (UCL) and research member of the The International Corpus of Crosslinguistic Interlanguage  (TUFS, Japan). Some of his most recent publications include Researching Specilized Languages, co-edited with V. Bhatia and P. Sánchez, John Benjamins;  Developing annotation solutions for online Data Driven Learning, ReCALL Journal; the co-edition of Software-aided analysis of language, with Mike Scott and P. Sánchez;  or research papers on JCR-indexed  journals such as International Journal of corpus Linguistics, System, Language, Learning and Technology or CALL, all of them dealing with the interplay of language corpora, language analysis and language education.  In 2009 and 2010, he was a Research Fellow with the English Department in Northern Arizona University, developing research with Douglas Biber and Randi Reppen. Pascual Pérez-paredes is the Principal Investigator (PI) for Languages for specific purposes, language corpora, and English linguistics applied to knowledgeengineering at UM.  At the moment, he is co-editing a special issue for ReCALL journal (Cambridge University Press) entitled “Researching new uses of corpora for language teaching and learning”. Pascual Pérez-Paredes is an undergradute computer scientist and passionate for digital culture and computers. He is also a qualified Official Translator appointed by the Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Purificación Sánchez Hernández is a senior lecturer in the Department of English at the University of Murcia where she teaches undergraduate and master courses on English for Specific Purposes: Science and Technology and Applied Linguistics.  Her major research interests comprise scientific discourse, analysis of the language of Biology and the compilation and use of language corpora. Some of his most recent publications include Researching Specilized Languages, co-edited with V. Bhatia and P. Pérez-Paredes, John Benjamins and  the co-edition of Software-aided analysis of language, with Mike Scott and P. Pérez-Paredes In the last 3 years she has been the head researcher in an European funded project. She has been a professional translator in the field of science and has taught several courses on Writing research papers for novice teachers in the University of Murcia

Carmen Sancho Guinda is a senior lecturer in the Department of Applied Linguistics at the Polytechnic University of Madrid, where she teaches English for Academic Purposes and Professional Communication and coordinates in-service training seminars for teachers undertaking English-medium instruction within EHEA programmes. Her major research interests comprise the interdisciplinary study of discourse, genre analysis and innovation in the teaching and learning of academic literacies. She has recently co-edited Stance and Voice in Written Academic Genres with Ken Hyland (Palgrave, 2012) and is currently engaged in the co-edition of Narrative in Academic and Professional Genres (Peter Lang, 2013) with Maurizio Gotti.
Debra Westall has been a member of the teaching and research staff at the Department of Applied Linguistics (Universitat Politècnica de València) (UPV) since 1996 and is Associate Professor of English for Specific Purposes. Her current research interests are language contact between American English and Peninsular Spanish, Spanish nutritional discourse and health reporting on childhood obesity. She is co-author of three books for learners of English for academic purposes. Her decade of experience as a linguistic consultant and scientific editor has also allowed her to explore how UPV researchers write for publication in high-impact journals.