Máster universitario en Lingüística Teórica y Aplicada

El Máster Universitario en Lingüística Teórica y Aplicada (MALTA) es un máster conjunto de la Facultad de Letras que ofrece la formación necesaria para futuros investigadores en diversos ámbitos de la lingüística teórica y aplicada, así como una alta especialización para quienes desean un grado mayor de formación y actualización académicas en las aplicaciones profesionales de lengua y lingüística, con sus más de 100 líneas de investigación y mediante una estructura de oferta docente flexible impartida por especialistas de reconocido prestigio nacional e internacional.

Indicador de competencia lingüística a través del Estudio Europeo de Competencia Lingüística

La Comisión Europea presentó una propuesta para el desarrollo de un indicador sobre competencia comunicativa en 2005 y el Parlamento Europeo apoyó en una resolución esta propuesta en 2006, e invitó a los países miembros de la Unión Europea a participar en la implementación y el 
desarrollo del indicador de competencia lingüística a través del Estudio Europeo de
Competencia Lingüística (EECL).

Con el fin de alcanzar estos objetivos, se puso en marcha en 2008 este estudio en el
que además de España participaron tres comunidades autónomas que ampliaron el
tamaño de su muestra para obtener datos representativos propios. El estudio principal
se realizó en 2011 evaluándose el nivel de competencia de los alumnos en dos lenguas
extranjeras, al finalizar la Educación Secundaria obligatoria.

El informe español se ha organizado en dos volúmenes. En el primer volumen,
realizado por el Instituto Nacional de Evaluación Educativa (INEE), se presentan los
datos más destacados del informe internacional y se detallan los de España en
comparación con el resto de países y regiones participantes. Se organiza en cinco
capítulos y recoge en anexos diversas tablas y datos cuantitativos que dan origen a los
gráficos de los capítulos, junto con ejemplos de las pruebas de rendimiento utilizadas
en el estudio.

Call for papers: ReCALL journal

ReCALL Journal Special Issue: Call for Papers

Researching uses of corpora for language teaching and learning

Submission deadline: 30 November 2012
Publication date: May 2014

Guest editors:

Pascual Pérez-Paredes
English Department
Universidad de Murcia
Campus de la Merced
30071 Murcia

Alex Boulton
CRAPEL — ATILF / CNRS, Nancy-Université
BP 3397
54015 Nancy cedex

Corpus linguistics has revolutionised many fields of language study, and represents the epitome of empirical research in language description. Corpora can even be used as a learning tool or reference resource by learners and teachers, as well as other native and non-native language users, in what has come to be known as ‘data-driven learning’ (DDL). However, it is frequently claimed that there is a dearth of empirical research in the field of DDL — especially outside the restricted environment of higher education. Such research is essential to afford further insight into both the possibilities and limitations of using language corpora in a variety of contexts, whether in mainstream practice among ‘ordinary’ teachers and learners, or for more innovative or specialised uses.

Proposals are invited for qualitative and quantitative empirical studies investigating various aspects of corpus use in language teaching and learning, from individual case studies to large-scale quantitative statistical studies, from short-term acquisition to long-term outcomes and changes in learner behaviour.

We are especially interested in new populations of potential corpus users, such as:

younger learners in primary and secondary education;

adult learners in continuing education and language schools;

trainee teachers and practising teachers (pre-service or in-service);

academic users in fields from translation to literature, civilisation and other disciplines;

non-academic users in professional contexts.

Innovative practice in terms of corpus use for new environments and new activities is also welcomed: in class, in computer rooms, on line, and in blended or distance programmes; in directed instruction as well as in more autonomous conditions; using paper-based materials, hands-on consultation, or integrating corpora into other software; showing innovative uses of corpora beyond traditional concordancing; based on new types of corpora, from the Internet to disposable corpora to multimodal corpora; involving learners at other levels of corpus use, e.g. in building their own corpora; using learner corpora to feed back into teaching and learning practices; etc.

This special issue of ReCALL marks over two decades of data-driven learning since the publication of the seminal Classroom Concordancing (Johns & King 1991), and is dedicated to the ground-breaking but ever practical work of the late Tim Johns.

Papers, to a maximum of 8000 words, should be submitted electronically to June Thompson,

no later than 30 November 2012.

Please use the published ReCALL guidelines awhen preparing your paper.

ReCALL is the journal of EUROCALL, an international journal published by Cambridge University Press and listed in the major abstracting and indexing services.

International course ‘Different Approaches to Teaching Children’s Literature”

The University of Murcia, offers a 5-day course in which teachers can increase their skills in using a wide range of techniques for dealing with literary texts at primary and secondary levels.

Participants will be trained by an international group of teachers experts in literacy, primary education and teacher education in the theoretical and practical sessions scheduled.  The course will take place in Murcia (Spain) between 18-23 June 2012.

For this course, teachers in EU member states can apply for a Comenius grant (Ref. nr. ES-2012-326-001) covering the costs of participation + travel and accommodation.

For more details and registration please visit the course site at the University of Murcia  http://www.um.es/childrensliterature/site/