Short bio (500 words)

Pascual Pérez-Paredes is Professor in Applied Linguistics and Linguistics, Universidad Murcia (Catedrático de Lingüística Aplicada y Lingüística).  Formerly, he was Lecturer in Research in Second Language Education at the University of Cambridge. His main research interests are the use of corpus linguistics and technology, corpora and digital resources in language analysis and education, corpus-assisted discourse analysis and language variation. He has developed an array of applications for language analysis including the adaptation of the Text Encoding Initiative (TEI) SGML markup for the annotation of spoken corpora in the context of EU projects (SACODEYL and BACKBONE), and software for the transcription and annotation of specialised corpora. He has published research in Q1 journals such as Discourse & Society, English for Specific Purposes, Journal of Pragmatics, Language, Learning & Technology, System, ReCALL and the International Journal of Corpus Linguistics. He was the Overall Coordinator of the MEd Research Methods Strand at the Faculty of Education, University of Cambridge. His most recent books are Corpus Linguistics for education. A guide for research in the Routledge Corpus Linguistics series, and Beyond concordance lines, co-edited with Geraldine Mark in the John Benjamins Studies in Corpus Linguistics series.
Prof. Pérez-Paredes is a world leading expert in corpus linguistics. He is the corpus linguistics strand coordinator for the American Association of Applied Linguistics (AAAL), the largest organization of applied linguistics in the world. He is currently Co-PI in the Spanish Research Agency -funded project Understanding internationalisation in Higher Education from the student perspective: a longitudinal analysis of disciplinary literacy in English-Medium Education where he is looking at the students’ disciplinary corpus in the area of Business studies. Prof Pérez-Paredes has been a researcher (investigador) in different projects funded by the Spanish Research Agency . He’s been a researcher in the National R&D&I Plan Project “System for detection, tracking, monitoring and analysis of terrorist discourse on the Internet”, and in “The language of the Public Administration in immigration law: multilingual study and cultural implications”, where he led the collection, computational processing and analysis of the different multilingual corpora used in the research.
He co-edited a special issue of the International Journal of English Studies “Software-aided analysis of language” with Mike Scott and Purificación Sánchez, where leading software developers in the area of corpus linguistics examined the stat-of-the-art in this area.  He co-edited  with Prof Vijay Bathia and Dr Purificación Sánchez “Researching Specialized languages” for John Benjamins, a volume focusing on the contribution of linguistic corpora to the analysis of specialised languages. This book won the “Enrique Alcaraz” research prize awarded by the European Association of Languages for Specific Purposes (AELFE) in 2013. In 2014, Prof Pérez-Paredes led the EU-funded project “Transforming European learner language into learning opportunities”. This project was a milestone in developing awareness and analyses around the use of natural processing tools for the analysis of  the L1 in language education and the use of mobile apps. Pérez-Paredes et al. (2019) is the fist research paper (published in System) that explores data-driven learning tenets on a mobile app and reflect on the role of computational treatment of language information and awareness in language education. In recent years Prof Pérez-Paredes has given plenary lectures at the Universities of Oxford, Cambridge, Queen Mary, London, Arequipa (Peru), Santiago de Compostela, Vigo, Complutense de Madrid, KTU, Lithuania, Meliksa (Turkey) and Edge Hill (UK).
Pascual Pérez-Paredes es Catedrático de Lingüística Aplicada y Lingüística en la Universidad de Murcia y “Lecturer in Research in Second Language Education” en la Faculty of Education, University of Cambridge. Su investigación se desarrolla en el análisis de la variación en la producción oral y escrita de los aprendices de inglés, el uso de corpus lingüísticos y tecnologías digitales para el aprendizaje y la enseñanza de lenguas y el análisis del discurso con corpus lingüísticos. Ha publicado su investigación en revistas especializadas como CALL, Discourse & Society, English for Specific Purposes, Journal of Pragmatics, Language, Learning & Technology, System, ReCALL e International Journal of Corpus Linguistics. Entre 2016 y 2019 fue Overall Coordinator of the MEd Research Methods Strand, University of Cambridge. Recientemente ha publicado Corpus Linguistics for education. A guide for research en Routledge Corpus Linguistics. En la actualidad es co-investigador principal del proyecto Understanding internationalisation in Higher Education from the student perspective: a longitudinal analysis of disciplinary literacy in English-Medium Education (SHIFT), financiado en el marco de los Proyectos de I+d+I», programa estatal de generación de conocimiento y fortalecimiento científico y tecnológico del sistema de I+d+I y de I+d+I orientada a los retos de la sociedad (2020-2024). Es Assistant Editor de ReCALL y miembro del comité editorial de Register Studies.
Resumen CV (Español)