Category: research
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European Association for Computer Assisted Language Learning
Volume 20, Number 1, March 2012
Proceedings of the EUROCALL 2011 Conference
The CALL Triangle: Student, Teacher and Institution
The University of Nottingham, 31st August to 3rd September 2011
European Association for Computer Assisted Language Learning
Volume 20, Number 1, March 2012
Proceedings of the EUROCALL 2011 Conference
The CALL Triangle: Student, Teacher and Institution
The University of Nottingham, 31st August to 3rd September 2011
Writing tools for researchers
Some useful references on more general issues
Bem, D. J. 1987. Writing the empirical journal article. In M. P. Zanna & J. M. Darley (Eds.), The compleat academic: A practical guide for the beginning social scientist (pp. 171-201). New York: Random House. (PDF)
Glasman-Deal, H. 2009. Science Research Writing: A Guide for Non-Native Speakers of English. London: Imperial College.
Online DBs
Word neighbors
Webcorp (The web is your corpus)
Antconc (Win, MacOS, lINUX)
Deconstructing discourse
Clean your text
Generate word lists (Input url)
Web as a corpus (n-gram browser)
Microsoft n-gram tool (just for fun and interesting lists of most frequent 100k words based on bing data mining)
AWL highlighter (In groups of ten sublists) More on the AWL.
Online corpora
Academic words in American English (Mark Davies COCA)
British Academic Written English Corpus (BAWE) Sketch engine gateway
Do-it-yourself tools
Advanced users
Beautifulsoup parser (Python)
For more information on research group and interests, visit our website: Languages for specific purposes, language corpora, and English linguistics applied to knowledge engineering.