#corpusMOOC Corpus Linguistics: Method, Analysis, Interpretation starts Sept 29


This free MOOC Offers practical introduction to the methodology of corpus linguistics for researchers in social sciences and humanities. It is an 8-week course and is run by Lancaster University.

More information here.



#CFP #BigData in a Transdisciplinary Perspective

(Through the Corpora-List)

Herrenhausen Conference, March 25-27, 2015, Hanover, Germany

Big Data in a Transdisciplinary Perspective

Large amounts of data, a variety of sources, high speed production, but also high speed processing – these are the basic characteristics of Big Data. The amount of data that is generated and collected in each second grows exponentially. The management of Big Data, the intelligent use of large, heterogeneous data sets, is becoming increasingly important for competition. It is affecting all sectors – industry and academia but also the public sector. While the economy is exploring Big Data as a new gold mine, politicians are fighting over the problem of data capitalism, whereas science tackles the question of cross-disciplinary benefits, as well as the challenges and the likely consequences for technology, innovation, and society.

The focus of the Herrenhausen Conference lies on open questions, unsolved problems, and future perspectives. The conference on Big Data therefore will not focus on a particular discipline but provide a transdisciplinary forum for Big Data researchers. We would like to discuss the challenges and consequences of Big Data research for society as well as innovation and technology, address the influence on economics as well as the legal framework and close on the challenges for research and research funding in the field of Big Data. Our goal is to create an inspiring setting for the discussion of new ideas.

We invite all researchers and experts working in this field.

There is no fee for attendance, but registration is essential.

Travel Grants
The Volkswagen Foundation offers up to 30 Travel Grants for young researchers who wish to attend the conference. For more information about the program please visit http://www.volkswagenstiftung.de/bigdata

We are inviting Ph.D. students or early Postdocs (max. 5 years since Ph.D.) working on independent and challenging projects in the field of big data, or in a field for which big data is crucial to apply for a travel grant.

Applicants are required to apply until *September 30, 2014* by using the application form at http://form.jotformeu.com/form/41901708397359

Please note that we are not able to consider applications after this deadline. The travel grant covers attendance, accommodation and travel expenses (excl. cab fares, parking, food and beverages while travelling as well as poster printing costs).

Recipients of the travel grants are required to present their project in a three minutes “Lightning Talk” as well as on a poster to be shown and explained in a poster session. Powerpoint, etc. can be used, but please limit yourself to max. 3 slides. Every presenter has three minutes to present his / her project.

Your application should contain the following:
1. A short tabular C.V. of max. 1.000 characters (including spaces)
2. A short description of your research focus (max. 600 characters including spaces) that explains how your approach tackles the challenges emerging from the interdisciplinary field of big data research and argues why we should select your project
3. An abstract of the project you want to present (max. 2.200 characters including spaces)
4. Your publications (max. 5).

Participants will be selected by a steering committee of interdisciplinary researchers from different fields of expertise. Acceptance will be based on qualification of the applicant as well as originality and potential of the research project. We will inform the applicants about the results by Mid-November 2014.

If your application has been accepted, the Volkswagen Foundation will book a room for you and send you all necessary information regarding travel, accommodation, poster size and visa. Please, only register for the conference beforehand if you plan to visit the conference regardless of your application’s acceptance.

For inquiries, please contact Anorthe Kremers at the Volkswagen Foundation at tel. +49/511/8183-260, or bigdata@volkswagenstiftung.de

Researching Specialized Languages wins research award

Profs. Pérez-Paredes and Sánchez Hernández (right) at U. Murcia, Spain.
Photograph (C) Luis Urbina
Researching Specialized Languages” edited by Vijay Bhatia (City University of Hong Kong), Purificación Sánchez Hernández and Pascual Pérez-Paredes (University of Murcia) has won the 4th Edition of the “Enrique Alcaraz Research Award”.