Category: corpus
Corpus-Based Approaches to English Language Teaching
Corpus-Based Approaches to English Language Teaching
Uses of concordancing are more talked about than tested
It is often noted that the various educational uses of concordancing are more talked about than tested with real learners. Possibly this is because while the concordancing idea is promising, principled, and increasingly practical, trials with learners have often seemed too inclusive for publication. The choices at this point would seem to be either to abandon the idea of learner concordancing, or else to work on a database of approaches, interfaces, and learner behaviours within a research-and-development perspective. We are clearly advocating the latter.
Delian Gaskell, Thomas Cobb, Can learners use concordance feedback for writing errors?, System, Volume 32, Issue 3, September 2004, Pages 301-319
Uses of concordancing are more talked about than tested
It is often noted that the various educational uses of concordancing are more talked about than tested with real learners. Possibly this is because while the concordancing idea is promising, principled, and increasingly practical, trials with learners have often seemed too inclusive for publication. The choices at this point would seem to be either to abandon the idea of learner concordancing, or else to work on a database of approaches, interfaces, and learner behaviours within a research-and-development perspective. We are clearly advocating the latter.
Delian Gaskell, Thomas Cobb, Can learners use concordance feedback for writing errors?, System, Volume 32, Issue 3, September 2004, Pages 301-319
Language corpora and the language classroom
ENG 420C: Seminar in Language (Corpus Linguistics)
TuTh 11:10AM – 12:25PM (LA 207/227)
Department of English – NAU
Flagstaff, AZ
View more documents from Pascual Pérez-Paredes.
Pérez-Paredes, P. & Diíez Bedmar, B. 2010. Language corpiora and the language classroom. Murcia:
Consejería de Educación de la CARM.
ISBN 978-84-692-4229-2