Discourse and persuasion 3.0: Identities in a hybrid and multimodal world

University of Zaragoza, TERUEL (24-27 September 2019)

In LD6, we set out to cast light on the intricacies of persuasive discourse and the manifold reactions it may engender in today’s globalised and multicultural societies. At the core of this endeavour is a genuine willingness and commitment to tease out the nature of persuasion in diverse contexts (e.g. art, education, business, sport, companies, the private sphere, etc.), through diverse channels (e.g. face-to-face interaction, on-line communication, published articles, performances, etc.), and as more or less relevant to diverse identities (e.g. linguistic, political, gendered, etc.). As in previous LD editions, interdisciplinarity will also be key for us. This time, in LD6, the collaboration and cross-fertilisation of knowledge will show in an organising and scientific team encompassing Philology, Psychology, Education, Business and Fine Arts, five areas representing the extremely enriching interdisciplinary make-up of the Faculty of Social and Human Sciences in Teruel.

Call for papers here (www)

Key dates

First Call for Papers 20 January 2019
Second Call for Papers 18 February 2019
Deadline for submission of proposals 31 March 2019
Notification of acceptance/rejection of proposals 3 May 2019
Early bird registration Before 14 August 2019

AAAL 2019: March 9-12, 2019, Atlanta, Georgia

March 9-12, 2019, Atlanta, Georgia

Schedule now available www

Plenary Speakers

Nick Ellis, University of Michigan
“Usage-based Language Acquisition: Implicit and Explicit Learning and Their Interface”

Lenore Grenoble, The University of Chicago
“Language Vitality and Sustainability”

Emma Marsden, University of York
“Open Science and Applied Linguistics: Opportunities and Challenges”

Patsy M Lightbown, Concordia University and Nina Spada, University of Toronto
“In It Together: Teachers, Researchers, and Classroom Second Language Acquisition”

Iñaki Zabaleta, University of the Basque Country (UPV-EHU)
“Minority Language Media: Framing Their Reality, Development and Roles”

Invited Colloquia

“Let’s Automate: Natural Language Processing Tools and Their Applications”
Organizer: Scott Crossley, Georgia State University

“Expanding the Applied Linguistics Lens on Multiliteracies: Sociomaterial Assemblages”
Organizer: Diane Dagenais, Simon Fraser University [Wilga Rivers Language Pedagogy Colloquium]

“Assessing Lingua Franca Competence”
Organizer: Luke Harding, Lancaster University [Joint AAAL/ILTA Colloquium]

“Fandom and Language and Literacy Development”
Organizer: Shannon Sauro, Malmö University

“What Do the Data Show? Multiple Theoretical Perspectives on Learning in a Single Classroom”
Organizer: Paul Toth, Temple University

Proposals are welcome in the following topic strands:

Analysis of Discourse and Interaction (DIS)
Assessment and Evaluation (ASE)
Bilingual, Immersion, Heritage, and Minority Education (BIH)
Corpus Linguistics (COR)
Educational Linguistics (EDU)
Language Cognition and Brain Research (COG)
Language and Ideology (LID)
Language and Technology (TEC)
Language Maintenance and Revitalization (LMR)
Language Planning and Policy (LPP)
Language, Culture, Socialization and Pragmatics (LCS)
Phonology/Phonetics and Oral Communication (POC)
Reading, Writing, and Literacy (RWL)
Research Methodology (REM)
Second and Foreign Language Pedagogy (PED)
Second Language Acquisition, Language Acquisition, and Attrition (SLA)
Sociolinguistics (SOC)
Teacher Education, Beliefs, and Identities (TED)
Text Analysis (Written Discourse) (TXT)
Translation and Interpretation (TRI)
Vocabulary and Lexical Studies (VOC)

Proposals are invited for individual papers, colloquia, posters, and roundtable discussions. The deadline for proposal submission is 4:00 p.m. on August 20, 2018 (EDT; UTC-4). If you need to renew your membership or create a guest account, you should do so at least 3 hours before the submissions deadline, to allow for changes to take place in the system. Requests relating to membership or guest accounts later than this may mean that you are unable to submit your abstract by the deadline.

INDIVIDUAL PAPERS: Papers are formal presentations on a contribution of original knowledge by one or more authors within a thirty-minute period, including 20 minutes for presentation and 10 minutes for discussion. Paper presentations will be organized into sessions of 2-3 papers grouped by strand or theme.
There will not be designated session chairs. When their presentation time comes, presenters must announce their session title, introduce themselves briefly, and start their presentation. All presenters must present their work during their scheduled time. No time changes will be allowed even if the previous presenter is absent or has finished early. Each presenter must make sure that they respect their allocated time in order to allow for the other presenters in the session to set up their equipment and start on time.

POSTERS: Poster presentations are intended for face-to-face discussions of research. Posters are especially effective for information that can be presented visually (e.g. charts, graphs, tables, diagrams). Prospective presenters are encouraged to consider posters, because of the opportunity they provide for extended discussion with other researchers. There will be several poster sessions scheduled, each approximately 1.5 hours in length. Presenters are required to be present at their posters during the coffee breaks scheduled within the session to which they have been allocated. For the rest of the period, presenters may choose to stay at their poster board at their discretion. The bulletin boards for mounting the posters are normally four feet by eight feet in size. One poster presenter will use the front and another presenter will use the back.

ROUNDTABLE DISCUSSIONS: Roundtable discussions present an opportunity for informal, in-depth discussions between presenters and attendees on a specific topic. They are particularly well suited for works-in-progress and are not meant to be formal paper presentations. The purpose is not to present on a finished project but rather to address a specific topic in such a way as to engender whole-group discussion. The advantage of roundtable sessions is that they allow for stimulating conversations and networking opportunities among participants on shared research interests. Presenters are encouraged to prepare handouts or clearly visible laptop PowerPoint slides for key information needed to support the discussion.

Roundtable discussions will be held in large rooms with several sessions taking place at the same time at different tables. Each table will be organized by strand or theme. Each presenter will be assigned to a table that seats up to twelve attendees. Presenters will be allocated 30 minutes: 10-15 minutes to speak on their topic and 15-20 minutes for group discussion.There will be a time-keeper assigned to reach roundtable session.

COLLOQUIA: Colloquia allow for extended discussion on a particular topic, achieved through the organization of individual presentations that are clearly linked to the colloquium theme and to each other. A small number of colloquia are invited by the conference chair, but others may be proposed by AAAL members. Proposals for colloquia can be for either one-hour or two-hour block of time. (Please note the change in colloquium length from previous AAAL conferences).

Two-hour colloquia: The number of presenters and length of each presentation is left up to discretion of the colloquium organizer, as is the decision to include one or more discussants. Because the purpose of this format is to foster dialogue among attendees, generous time allowance should be made throughout the colloquium for extended audience discussion of the papers presented.

One-hour colloquia: This is a new format for 2019, designed to provide better coherence among the shorter 10 minute paper sessions offered at AAAL for the past two years. Conferences in many other academic fields limit presentations of full papers to a maximum of ten minutes, in paper sessions that are thematically linked. This has some advantages: it encourages conciseness and focus and allows more time for discussion than the longer paper presentations. Sessions in this format will consist of three individual ten-minute papers within a one-hour time slot. Each paper is allocated up to two minutes for clarification questions, followed by 20-25 minutes of discussion after all three papers have been presented. The thematic linking of the three papers in the session was previously made by the AAAL conference organizing committee. This year, one or more of the authors of the three papers will serve as the colloquium organizer(s). Please note that the one-hour colloquia should not include an additional presenter in a “discussant” role; the discussion is managed by the authors of the three papers.

Colloquium organizers serve as the liaisons between participants in the colloquium and the AAAL conference program committee, and are therefore responsible for communication among the presenters and discussants

AV EQUIPMENT: Please note that AV equipment will not be available for Posters or Roundtable Discussions. Presenters may bring handouts or use their laptops if they wish. However, be advised that the computers will have to operate on battery as there will be no outlets.

#CFP Computational and Corpus-based Phraseology Nov 2017 London


International Conference Computational and Corpus-based Phraseology€. Recent advances and interdisciplinary approaches.

London, 13-14 November 2017

Conference topics

The forthcoming international conference ‘Computational and Corpus-based Phraseology: recent advances and interdisciplinary approaches will take place in London on 13 and 14 November, 2017.

The conference will focus on interdisciplinary approaches to phraseology and will invite submissions on a wide range of topics, including, but not limited to: corpus-based, psycholinguistic and cognitive approaches to the study of phraseology, the computational treatment of multi-word expressions, and practical applications in translation, lexicography and language learning , teaching and assessment.

Submissions and publication

Submissions will be full-length papers not exceeding seven pages; each submission will be reviewed by at least three members of the Programme Committee. The first call for papers will provide details on the submission procedure and on the conference schedule, including submission and notification deadlines.

It is our intention to have the proceedings published as a volume and also in the form of e-proceedings which will be available at the conference.

Programme Committee

The Programme Committee features experts in different aspects of corpus-based and computational phraseology and includes:

Nicoletta Calzolari, Institute for Computational Linguistics
Jean-Pierre Colson, Université catholique de Louvain
Gloria Corpas, University of Malaga
Dimitrij Dobrovolskij, Russian Academy of Sciences, Russian Language Institute
Thierry Fontenelle, Translation Centre for the Bodies of the European Union
Kleanthes K. Grohmann, University of Cyprus
Patrick Hanks, University of Wolverhampton
Ulrich Heid, University of Hildesheim
Miloš Jakubíček, Sketch Engine
Valia Kordoni, Humboldt University of Berlin
Simon Krek, University of Ljubljana
Pedro Mogorrón Huerta, University of Alicante
Johanna Monti, University of Sassari
Sara Moze, University of Wolverhampton
Preslav Nakov, Qatar Computing Research Institute
Michael Oakes, University of Wolverhampton
Magali Paquot, Université catholique de Louvain
Carlos Ramisch, Laboratoire d’Informatique Fondamentale de Marseille
Violeta Seretan, University of Geneva
Yvonne Skalban, University of Wolverhampton
Kathrin Steyer, Institute of German language
Aline Villavicencio, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul
Michael Zock, Laboratoire d’Informatique Fondamentale de Marseille

Conference Chair

The conference Chair is Prof. Ruslan Mitkov, University of Wolverhampton.

Organisation and sponsors

The forthcoming international conference €˜Computational and Corpus-based Phraseology €“ Recent advances and interdisciplinary approaches€™ is jointly organised by the European Association for Phraseology EUROPHRAS, the University of Wolverhampton (Research Institute of Information and Language Processing) and the Bulgarian Association for Computational Linguistics.

Europhras and the Sketch Engine are the official sponsors of the conference.

Further information and contact details

The first call for papers is expected in January 2017 and registration will be open as from April 2017.

The conference website (http://rgcl.wlv.ac.uk/europhras2017/) will be updated on a regular basis. For further information, please email europhras2017@wlv.ac.uk.


Pre-announcing Corpus Linguistics Conference 2017



Through the BAAL mail list


The International Corpus Linguistics Conference 2017 will take place from Monday 24 to Friday 28 July at the University of Birmingham.

Opening plenary

Susan Hunston, University of Birmingham

Keynote speakers

Susan Conrad (Portland State University, US)
Andrew Hardie (Lancaster University, UK)
Christian Mair (University of Freiburg, Germany)
Dan McIntyre (University of Huddersfield, UK)
Mike Scott (Aston University, UK)

1st Intl. NLP for Informal Text- Deadline 17/4


The 1st International Workshop on Natural Language Processing for Informal Text (NLPIT 2015)
In conjunction with The International Conference on Web Engineering(ICWE 2015)
June 23, 2015, Rotterdam, The Netherlands

The rapid growth of Internet usage in the last two decades adds new challenges to understand the informal user generated content (UGC) on the Internet. Textual UGC refers to textual posts on social media, blogs, emails, chat conversations, instant messages, forums, reviews, or advertisements that are created by end-users of an online system. A large portion of language used on textual UGC is informal. Informal text is the style of writing that disregard language grammars and uses a mixture of abbreviations and context dependent terms. The straightforward application of state-of-the-art Natural Language Processing approaches on informal text typically results in significantly degraded performance due to the following reasons: the lack of sentence structure; the lack of enough context required; the seldom entities involved; the noisy sparse contents of users’ contributions; and the untrusted facts contained. It is the aim of this work- shop to bring the attention of researchers to the opportunities and challenges involved in informal text processing. In particular, we are interested in discussing informal text modeling, normalization, mining, and understanding in addition to various application areas in which UGC is involved.


We invite submissions on topics that include, but are not limited to, the following core NLP approaches for informal UGC: language identification, classification, clustering, filtering, summarization, tokenization, segmentation, morphological analysis, POS tagging, parsing, named entity extraction, named entity disambiguation, relation/fact extraction, semantic annotation, sentiment analysis, language normalization, informality modeling and measuring, language generation, handling uncertainties, machine translation, ontology construction, dictionary construction, etc.


Authors are invited to submit original work not submitted to another conference or workshop. Workshop submissions could be a full paper or short paper. Paper length should not exceed 12 pages for full papers and 6 pages for short papers. All papers should follow the Springer’s LNCS format. Papers in PDF can be sent via the EasyChair Conference System https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=nlpit2015. Each submission will receive, in addition to a meta-review, at least 2 peer double-blind reviews. Each full paper will get 25 minutes presentation time. Short papers will get 5 minutes presentation time in addition to a poster. Beside papers, we also plan to have an invited talk by a renowned scientist on a topic relevant for the workshop. Workshop proceedings will be published as part of the ICWE2015 workshop proceedings. To contact the NLPIT 2015 organization team, please send an e-mail to: nlpit2015@easychair.org.


– Submission deadline: April 17, 2015
– Notification deadline: May 17, 2015
– Camera-ready version: May 24, 2015
– Workshop date: June 23, 2015

Msg. distributed through the corpora list