CFP International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism: Special Issue 2017

Through the AESLA mail-list




International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism: Special Issue 2017

As guest editors (Yolanda Ruiz de Zarobe and Roy Lyster) of a Special Issue of the International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, we invite you to submit proposals on the following topic:

Instructional practices and teacher development in Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL)

The aim of this Journal is to be thoroughly international in nature. It disseminates high-quality research, theoretical advances, and international developments related to

initiatives in bilingualism and bilingual education. Each year the International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism devotes two of its issues to Special Issues.

Previous Special Issues have tended to receive remarkable praise, particularly as they focus on one issue and often provide a major step forward in the study of a particular

This Special Issue on CLIL seeks:

• To promote theoretical and applied research conducted in the context of CLIL and other content-based programs such as immersion.

• To disseminate information about best practices in content-based instruction.

• To provide a truly international exchange on how CLIL pedagogy is applied in a wide

Authors are invited to submit proposals focusing on instructional practices and teacher development in CLIL at any educational level and in any educational setting. Both

state-of-the-art articles and empirical studies are welcomed. Manuscripts submitted  should be original, not under review by any other publication and not published

– Deadline for 200-250 word abstracts: 15th September 2015. Proposals should be submitted by email attachment to the co-editors at and

They should contain the author’s name, affiliation and e-mail address.

– Notification of acceptance/rejection: 1st November 2015. Please note that selection of the proposal does not always guarantee publication.

– Deadline for full papers (no longer than 7,000 words including notes and references):

15th February 2016. Each article will receive two independent and anonymous


For further information on the journal’s submission guidelines please visit.


Native & learner language in interviews

This talk discusses some of our findings in

Pérez-Paredes, P., & Sánchez Tornel, M. (2015). A multidimensional analysis of learner language during story reconstruction in interviews. In M. Callies & S. Götz (Eds.), Learner Corpora in Language Testing and Assessment. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.


L1 Teaching, Learning and Technology, Leipzig, 3/09


Satellite of SLaTE 2015: L1 Teaching, Learning and Technology

Satellite of Satellite of INTERSPEECH 2015, Leipzig, Germany, September 3, 2015

Due date full paper submission: May 1, 2015

The aim of this 1-day SoS (Satellite of a Satellite) workshop is to bridge the gap between researchers in education and researchers in speech and text processing technology by organizing a joint event where researchers from one workshop are able to visit the other workshop to get an idea of the respective positions on the state of the art on the topic of language and technology in education.
The SoS workshop intends to join researchers across countries on the topic of language teaching/learning. In contrast to SLaTE, papers submitted here do not have to employ any technology yet. We are looking for contributions from users that may not be aware of all the possibilities that the technologies have to offer to solve educational research problems. What these papers bring to the table are problem statements and data collections that the speech and text processing community may in turn not be aware of. Thus we are looking for symbioses between the two disciplines in research about learning/teaching language. Topics should include information about collection, annotation and free sharing of data for research purposes. Automation in data analysis and children’s applications for learning L1 and foreign language are equally important to share between researchers.

Submissions are expected to be formal papers that will be submitted to an international double-blind review process. It is important for both areas to get to know each others research questions and potential application for technologies. Key to this will be provided by this side-by-side platform that allows you to meet people with similar interests, share our work and forge new interactions across disciplines. In doing so, we are looking for a broad range of contributions from didactics, psychology and pedagogy from researchers interested in bridging the current gap to automation. Demonstrations as well as samples of data collections and annotations are welcome.

New book: Corpus Linguistics for ELT



Corpus Linguistics for ELT: Research and Practice
Ivor Timmis

From the introduction:

The challenge of fostering a fruitful relationship between corpus linguistics and ELT was clearly set out by Conrad (2000: 556):
Corpus grammarians must strive to reach more audiences that include
teachers and must emphasize concrete pedagogical applications … In fact,
the strongest force for change could be a new generation of ESL teachers who
were introduced to corpus-based research in their training programs [and]
have practiced conducting their own corpus investigations and designing materials based on corpus research.
Indeed, this comment by Conrad encapsulates the main aim of this book: to help move corpus linguistics from what Römer (2012) terms its ‘minority sport’ status in language teaching to a point where the ability to carry out and interpret corpus research is seen as a normal part of an English language teacher’s repertoire.
Familiarity with corpus research and practice should be a standard part of an English language teacher’s toolkit, I would argue, because most people in ELT will at some time have had thoughts like these:
• How many words do my learners need to learn?
• Why is everyone talking about lexical chunks and collocations?
• Do my students really need this grammar point?
• Which words should I use to exemplify this structure?
• Am I teaching my learners language they will need to use when they speak the language?
• Does the grammar explanation in the coursebook really reflect how we use this structure?
• What vocabulary do my English for dentistry students need to get their teeth into?

If you have had questions like these, this book is designed to help you to answer them by consulting corpora and corpus-informed literature. It is also designed to help you to generate and investigate similar questions. It is, however, important to keep corpora in perspective throughout this book.

The argument presented here is that corpora are a resource and a reference source and, as is the case with all resources, pedagogic judgement is vitally important in determining how and when
they are deployed to best effect.
The book does not assume prior knowledge or experience of corpus research; nor does it assume any technical expertise. Technophobes can relax: contemporary corpus interfaces and corpus software are user-friendly and often include tutorial packages. The tasks in this book will help to familiarise readers with publicly available user-friendly corpora such as the British National Corpus hosted at

Summer Schools in Corpus Linguistics

Through the Corpora List



Summer Schools in Corpus Linguistics / Statistics for Corpus Linguistics

Lancaster University, UK – 14th to 17th July 2015


Since 2010, Lancaster University has run a highly successful series of free-to attend summer training events. In 2015, we will for the first time be running two corpus linguistics events in parallel:


  • The UCREL Summer School in Corpus Linguistics
  • The UCREL/CASS Summer School in Statistics for Corpus Linguistics


Sponsored by UCREL at Lancaster University – one of the world’s leading and longest-established centres for corpus-based research – and by the ESRC-funded CASS project, these events’ aim is to support students of language and linguistics in the development of advanced skills in corpus methods.

Both are intended primarily for postgraduate research students (and secondarily for Masters-level students, postdoctoral researchers, and others); both assume at least a basic knowledge of corpus linguistics (but in the case of the Statistics Summer School, no knowledge of statistics is assumed).

The four-day programme consists of a series of intensive two-hour sessions, some involving practical work, others more discussion-oriented. Some sessions are shared across the two events. The instructors include, as well as speakers from Lancaster University, external guest speakers who are prominent specialists in their respective areas.

For a list of topics and speakers in the UCREL Summer School in Corpus Linguistics, see


For a list of topics and speakers in the UCREL/CASS Summer School in Statistics for Corpus Linguistics, see

These events are part of a larger set of five co-located Lancaster Summer Schools in Interdisciplinary Digital Methods; the other events include training in corpus methods directed at non-linguists; see the website for further information:

Note that the summer schools run the week immediately before the Corpus Linguistics 2015 conference, for the benefit of anyone who might wish to attend both.


How to register

Our Summer Schools are free to attend, but registration in advance is compulsory, as places are limited.

The deadline for registrations is Sunday 7th June 2015, but we cannot guarantee that places will still be available at that point!

The application forms are available on the event website here as is further information on the programme.