New @umnoticias @sepiegob international @EUErasmusPlus CLIL project



Vocational guidance in CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning).

Researchers involved at UMU Dr. Pilar Aguado, Dr. Purificación Sánchez and Dr. Pascual Pérez-Paredes, Languages for specific purposes, language corpora, and English linguistics applied to knowledge engineering research group.

More info here.

2nd Intl Conference on the Sociolinguistics of Immigration Abstracts until Dec 20


Through the AESLA list



2nd International Conference on the Sociolinguistics of Immigration

Rapallo (Italy), September, 22-23, 2016
The aim of the Conference is to focus on epistemological and methodological continuities and discontinuities in the sociolinguistics of immigration. Several new researches and approaches have begun to emerge in the last few years: translingualism, polylanguaging, truncated repertoires, crossing metrolingualism.
Two main processes have contributed to this change: the epistemological orientation towards postmodernist and critical social theories within sociolinguistics as well as applied linguistics, linguistic anthropology and related disciplines and globalization.
The focus of attention of the 2nd International Conference of the Sociolinguistics of Immigration is to explore these research orientations, whilst also aiming to critically discuss these and any (dis)continuities and/or potential links between “old” and “new” orientations.
The confirmed plenary speakers will be: A. Creese and A. Blackledge (University of Birmingham) and M. Hundt (University of Zürich).

Abstract Submission
Each abstract should not exceed 500 words (incl. at least four keywords and references). Text should be justified and single-spaced (font size: Times New Roman 12pt).
Name, affiliation, and e-mail address should be on separate first page of the electronic copy.
Every individual presentation will last 20 minutes (plus 10 minutes for discussion and questions).

Important dates
The abstract submission period opens on October 20, 2015.
Abstracts can be submitted until December 20, 2015 and sent as a word attachment to
Confirmation of acceptance: January 20, 2016.
Registration for the conference starts on October 20, 2015 and closes on February 20, 2016.
Conference dates: September 22-23, 2016 .

Further details on the conference can be found at:

Tasks, technologies and Machinima Prof. M. Thomas @Cambridge_Uni



RSLE Talk 27 Ocober 2015, University of Cambridge

Michael Thomas, UCLAN (www)

The Camelot Project

New project on learning analytics, focus on detection. Visualization.

Other projects:


Diane Laurillard

Neil Seelwyn & Facer The politics of education and technology

Methodoogical weaknesses in CALL research

TBLT in technology-mediated contexts


TBLT: Current research overwhrlmingly focuses on teachers’ perceptions

Education as product, as employability, getting a job

Opportunities offered by TBLT: Ortega 2009

Online technologies: constructuvist pedgogies, simulation, learner motivation, collaboration, IT and digital literacy skills

Other projects:


CAMELOT stands for” CreAting Machinima Empowers Live Online Language Teaching and Learning”. This project has been funded with support from the European Commission (Project number: 543481-LLP-1-2013-1-UK-KA3-KA3MP). The information on this website reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Different types of activities. Emphasis on anybody can produce.

Camelot webinars:

Camelot MOOT (MOOC):





Using the CEFR: Principles of Good Practice @Cambridge_Uni




The CEFR is a comprehensive document, and as such, individual users can find it difficult to read and interpret. The Council of Europe has created a number of guidance documents to help in this interpretation. Helping you find your way around the CEFR and its supporting documents is one of our key aims in creating Using the CEFR: Principles of Good Practice. If you want a brief overview of the CEFR read Section 1 of this booklet. If you are a teacher or administrator working in an educational setting and would like guidance on using and interacting with the CEFR then reading Section 2 will be useful to you. If you want to find out about how Cambridge ESOL works with the CEFR then read Section 3. Each section is preceded by a page that signposts key further reading.

Here’s the CEFR online pubication.

CFP Migration Discourses across Languages, Societies and Discourse Communities


Migration Discourses across Languages, Societies and Discourse Communities

part of CADAAD 2016 at the University of Catania, 5-7 September 2016.

While in the last two decades public and political discourses about migration have been studied within a range of countries and languages, only a small amount of research has been concerned with comparing and contrasting migration discourses across languages, societies and discourse communities. The panel invites such comparative and contrastive approaches to migration discourses with the aim of carving out their potential to reveal common threads of migration discourses as well as those that are determined by specific historical, political and social contexts. In so doing, we may be able to track the similarities and shared frames of migration discourses across contexts.

We invite comparative studies of migration discourses based on a range of text types, languages and discourse communities including, but not limited to the following:
– Newspaper discourse across languages
– Social media discourse across languages/discourse communities
– Political discourse across parties, languages or discourse communities
– Inter- or intralingual comparison of the discourses of different stakeholder communities

We welcome papers coming from a variety of theoretical and methodological angles, including but not limited to:
– Corpus assisted discourse approaches
– Discourse historical approaches
– Cognitive approaches
– Argumentation
– Media Communication Studies
– Multimodal Discourse Analysis
– Discourse Psychology
– Pragmatics
– Sociolinguistics

Please send an abstract of 300 words (excluding references) attached to an email to Charlotte Taylor ( or Melani Schröter ( The abstract should be anonymised, but please include in your email your name, institutional affiliation and preferred email address for correspondence with the panel organisers.
Submissions need to be received by 30 November.

Please see for information about the conference. For more information about the planned panel, please contact Charlotte Taylor ( or Melani Schröter (

John Wells: Phonetics from blog to book talk at Cambridge


John Wells, UCL
Thursday 15 October 2015
GR06-7, English Faculty, 9 West Road (Sidgwick Site).

This talk is part of the Cambridge University Linguistic Society series.

This was the first time I had the chance to listen to Prof. Wells in person. Really fascinating talk from one of the pioneering figures in modern linguistics after WWII. He spoke about different pronunciations of common and not so common words, the influence of classic Greek on pronunciation, English varieties and about himself. He wrote a blog between 2006 and 2013. This is part of the last entry there (then):


…In fact over recent months I have increasingly been feeling that in this blog I have by now already said everything of interest that I want to say. And if I have nothing new to say, then the best plan is to stop talking.

So I am now discontinuing my blog.

Thank you, all those readers who have stayed with me over the seven years that I have been writing it. If you still need a regular fix, there are archives stretching back to 2006 for you to rummage through.

Goodbye, au revoir, tschüss, hwyl, cześć, tot ziens, до свидания, さようなら, ĝis!

ˌðæts \ɪt


Luckily, Prof. Wells is feeling better and is back with a new book: Sounds interesting, CUP:

It was an honour to meet somebody like Prof. Wells in person. It may sound overused and cliché but there’s no scholars like him these days. On a personal note, I was touched by his many references to his childhood memories.

John Wells is Emeritus Professor of Phonetics at UCL and author of Accents of English and the Longman Pronunciation Dictionary.