#Corpuslinguistics webinars today and tomorrow @Anne0Keeffe


Thanks to Anne O’Keeffe


13:00 GMT today 26th November, 2015
“‘Appropriate methodologies for studying classroom discourse”
Prof. Steve Walsh, Newcastle University
Link to webinar: https://mic.adobeconnect.com/maallearnerdiscourse/

17:00 GMT tomorrow 27th November, 2015
“Using corpora to inform teaching and materials development”
Prof. Randi Reppen, Northern Arizona University

Link to webinar: https://mic.adobeconnect.com/maalissuesinlinguistics/
Recordings of these will be posted next week.

Recording of Prof. Ronald Carter’s webinar from yesterday on “From Spoken English to Written English: New worlds and new descriptions”
is available at: https://mic.adobeconnect.com/p1nz3skbvd6/

Corpus Apprenants norvégiens du français

Ce corpus, constitué à l’été 2015 par Catrine Bang Nilsen, présente 5 interactions spontanées d’environ une heure chacune entre apprenants norvégiens intermédiaires et avancés du français et francophones de France. Sa transcription par Clémence Michel et Jérôme Barbet suit les conventions du corpus CFPQ. Afin de respecter la confidentialité des informateurs, les films des interactions sont accessibles au CRISCO pour des fins de recherche scientifique.

Access here.

Thanks to Prof. Esch (U. Cambridge) for this pointer.

Born global: policy research project (British Academy) Bernardette Holmes


Bernardette Holmes

Bernardette Holmes

Speak to the future website

Born Global www

Project introduction

Interim report

Some preliminary questions

How languages are used in professional contexts?

How language needs are met

Employer attitudes towards language skills

Recruitment and remuneration behaviours

Expectations of language competence and use

“The new normal is multilinguism”

Mismatch between demand and supply  of language skills

Optional status for language study post-14

Access to language learning was restricted in socially-deprived contexts. Post-code lottery. A social justice curriculum in this area is necessary.

High levels of youth unemployment NEETs: UK 15.7 % Germany 7.1% Spain 49.2%

What should language education policy look like for the current and the next generations?

What are the benefits of language skills to the economy and to career prospects and employability?

A mixed method survey  approach is used for this research.

Lit. review

Analysis of British Cohort Study data (Morris & Mann) 2014. Education and Employers Taskforce

Interviews with senior executives in global companies

Using languages at work (L@W) Survey


Students IWLP student survey data

Global companies

Competitive advantage in speaking another language

Results of the survey

Which languages in addition to English does your organisation use currently?


What about languages spoken at work?


Which foreign language do you use at work and how frequently? Remember these are UK companies.


Only 17 % of the SMEs currently use foreign languages. These are the favourite foreign languages in the UK SMEs:


Will your business benefit from additional foreign language use?


And which languages would those be?


And the results form big companies’ executives:


In terms of career


Advice from the professionals with some language command:


Monolingualism comes at a cost to individuals, to employers, to broader society and to the economy.

It is time for a new national conversation about the value of multilingualism and international communication skills.

There is need for multidimensional societal change in attitudes and behaviours, if we are to normalise and capitalise on our multilingual dividend.


Collocate 1.0 for Windows free download



Through the Corpora list


The Windows program Collocate 1.0 is available for download at michaelbarlow.com. The software extracts collocations in various ways (including n-grams) and provides scores based on MI, t-score and Log Likelihood. This version of the software is now free.

If you want to simply check out the functionality of the software, or have misplaced your manual, you can get it from




Deadline January 30 #CFP Young language Learners Symposium 2016 U. Oxford


Call for Papers for the forthcoming Young language Learners Symposium to be held in July 2016, at the University of Oxford.

Young Language Learners (YLL) Symposium 2016

Department of Education, University of Oxford University

July 6th – 8th, 2016

Email: YLL2016@education.ox.ac.uk

Call for Papers

The organizing committee of the YLL Symposium 2016 invites the submission of abstracts on any research-oriented topic relating to the learning of a foreign, second or additional language by learners of primary school age or younger.

Presentation Format

Oral Presentations (individual or co-authored papers) to be given in a 20-minute oral presentation plus 10 minutes of discussion.

Poster Presentations (individual or co-authored papers). Posters should be prepared for A0 (841 x 1189 mm).

Submission Guidelines

• The word limit for abstracts is 350 words

• The total number of presentations per participant as first presenter should be no more than two, including a combination of oral presentation and/or poster presentation.

To submit an abstract please click here: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=yll2016 You will need to create an account if you do not already have one. This can be done here: https://www.easychair.org/account/signup.cgi

Important Dates:

Deadline for submission of abstracts: January 30th, 2016

Notification of acceptance: by March 14th, 2016

Victoria A. Murphy, PhD | Professor of Applied Linguistics
Department of Education | University of Oxford
15 Norham Gardens | Oxford | OX2 6PY | UK
Tel: +44(0)1865 274042 | Fax: +44(0)1865 274027

REAL GROUP: http://www.education.ox.ac.uk/research/applied-linguistics/r-e-a-l/

For NALDIC, the subject association for EAL – www.naldic.org.uk

Young Language Learners 2016 Conference: http://www.education.ox.ac.uk/research/applied-linguistics/the-young-language-learners-yll-symposium-2016/