Corpus Pragmatics: new journal


Corpus pragmatics (Springer) is s platform for research and discussion in the linguistic discipline at the intersection of corpus linguistics and pragmatics.

A forum for research and discussion on the new linguistic discipline at the intersection of corpus linguistics and pragmatics.

Aims to enlarge and implement current pragmatic theories that have yet to benefit from empirical corpus support.

Offers original research papers, short research notes and occasional themed issues

This journal offers a forum for research and discussion in the new linguistic discipline that stands at the intersection of corpus linguistics and pragmatics. The contents include original research papers, short research notes, and occasional thematic issues.

Editor-in-Chief: Jesús Romero-Trillo, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain

@CALICOnsortium conference 2017 Multilingualism and Digital Literacies NAU May 16-20



CALICO 2017 34th ANNUAL CONFERENCE Multilingualism and Digital Literacies

Northern Arizona University
May 16-20
Workshops: Tuesday, May 16 – Wednesday, May 17, and Saturday, May 20
Opening Reception and Keynote: Wednesday, May 17
Presentation Sessions: Thursday, May 18 and Friday, May 19
Technology Showcase and Poster Session: Thursday, May 18

CALICO is a professional organization whose members research the informed and innovative uses of technology in foreign/second language learning and teaching. CALICO’s conferences bring together educators, administrators, materials developers, researchers, government representatives, vendors of hardware and software, and others interested in the field of computer-assisted language learning. Proposals may explore the conference theme or address any area of technology pertaining to language learning and teaching. Presentations may be in either traditional or practitioner research styles, grounded in theory and/or methodology, covering topics in language acquisition and integration of software and technology into the learning environment. A formal paper need not accompany a presentation at the conference. However, presenters are encouraged to submit a formal paper for review to the CALICO Journal, on the same topic (or any other).
The proposal and its guidelines will require the following information: title, type of presentation, 100-word abstract, 300-word description, presenter/co-presenter contact information, and technology needs.
Five types of presentation formats are available:
Workshop (pre- or post-conference, hands-on; half-day, full-day or two-day presenter’s choice)
Technology Showcase (a two-hour informal event during one evening of the conference)
Poster Session (in conjunction with the Showcase)
Presentation (30-minute individual presentation)
Panel discussion (90-minute regular presentation designed for multiple presentations and presenters on a specific topic)

Pre-announcing Corpus Linguistics Conference 2017



Through the BAAL mail list


The International Corpus Linguistics Conference 2017 will take place from Monday 24 to Friday 28 July at the University of Birmingham.

Opening plenary

Susan Hunston, University of Birmingham

Keynote speakers

Susan Conrad (Portland State University, US)
Andrew Hardie (Lancaster University, UK)
Christian Mair (University of Freiburg, Germany)
Dan McIntyre (University of Huddersfield, UK)
Mike Scott (Aston University, UK)

Education and Migration: Languages Foregrounded, Durham University


Education and Migration: Languages Foregrounded taking place at Durham University, UK from 21 to 23 October 2016. Please share the call and consider offering an abstract – details are provided in the attachment (including a publication opportunity) and brief highlights are included below.

21-23 (Friday – Sunday) October, 2016,
School of Education, Durham University, Durham, United Kingdom

International conference website

The conference brings together international keynote speakers and researchers who are researching and working on the borders of languages, languages pedagogy, and policy in contexts where people, and their migratory languages, are under pain and pressure.


Alison Phipps, University of Glasgow, UK

Hilary Footitt, University of Reading, UK

Martha Bigelow, University of Minnesota, USA

Conference themes

Inspired by the above panels, the conference invites papers and panels on research, pedagogies (multilingual, multimodal, multisensory, intercultural), policy development, and teacher practice concerning the opportunities and possibilities for multiple languages. Papers and panels may also address the following (and related) themes:

  • Multilingualism in NGO education contexts
  • Policy and language advocacy for multiple languages in the classroom
  • Community schools and translanguaging in communities
  • Teacher education in multilingual classrooms
  • Languages and the intercultural citizen
  • Modern foreign languages and multiple languages in schools—affordances and possibilities
  • Languages in research, policy, teacher education
  • Multimodal pedagogies for supporting language learning
  • Critical and intercultural pedagogies
  • Languages in contexts of discrimination, trauma, and exclusion: Implications for educational psychology and counselling; identity; multiple language literacies

Panels and speakers

The conference will also include five plenary panels. The following invited researchers/practitioners will each lead a panel (supported by two other experts), on the themes below. The panel will be 90 minutes (roughly 60 mins presentation and supported by 30 minutes of discussion).

1. Angela Creese (University of Birmingham)  – Communities and education; translanguaging in communities; community schools

2. Mike Solly (British Council) – Languages for resilience: Languages education in the context of the Syrian crisis

3. Frances Giampapa (University of Bristol) – Children’s multilingual identities, language brokering, opportunities for multiple literacies; issues concerning ESOL/languages and mainstreaming

4. George Androulakis (University of Thessaly, Vólos)- Migration and schools: Policies for primary and secondary education in Europe.

We invite papers and panels that address these themes. Please submit a title, abstract of 300-350 words. Panels (or 3 or 4 participants) should include a title, brief introduction (50 words), title and abstract for each speaker (150-200 words each). Please include a brief bio of about 100 words for each speaker (include name and institution(s)).

Abstracts of papers and panels should be emailed to by 15th July 2016. Please include the name and email of the corresponding author. Abstracts will be reviewed by an advisory committee and participants will be notified of acceptance by 30th July 2016.

#CFP AAAL 2017 Portland “Applied Linguistics and Transdisciplinarity”


The 2017 conference of the American Association for Applied Linguistics (AAAL) will be held at the Portland Marriott Downtown Waterfront in Portland, Oregon. Nationally and internationally, the AAAL conference has a reputation as a comprehensive and stimulating conference including in-depth colloquia and paper sessions, topical and thought-provoking plenary presentations, excellent book exhibits, and plentiful opportunities for networking. The theme for the 2017 AAAL Conference is “Applied Linguistics and Transdisciplinarity”.

Access the information here.

Submission Deadline: August 17, 2016, 5:00 pm Eastern Daylight Time


#CFP AAAL Portland 2017


The 2017 conference of the American Association for Applied Linguistics (AAAL) will be held at the Portland Marriott Downtown Waterfront in Portland, Oregon on March 18-21, 2017. The theme for the 2017 AAAL Conference is “Applied Linguistics and Transdisciplinarity”.


Li Wei, University College London/Institute of Education “Rethinking Language in Translanguaging: Implications for Learning, Use, and Policy”
Simona Pekarek-Doehler, Université de Neuchâtel “The Development of L2 Interactional Competence: Evidence from Longitudinal Research”
Shaun Gallagher, University of Memphis “Doing Phenomenology with Words”
Suresh Canagarajah, Penn State University “Spatiolinguistics: Language Competence of Migrant Professionals from Transdisciplinary Perspectives”
Janet Wiles, University of Queensland “Talking with Robots”
Carolyn Miller, North Carolina State University “New Challenges for Rhetorical Genre Studies: Multimodality, Methodology, Interdisciplinarity”


“Sexuality and Applied Linguistics: Poststructuralist Perspectives” Organizers: Tommaso Milani, University of the Witwatersrand and Heiko Motschenbacher, Goethe University of Frankfurt
“Ethnographic Research in Applied Linguistics“ Organizers: Patricia Duff, University of British Columbia and Angela Creese, University of Birmingham
“Video Games, Literacy and Language Learning” Organizer: Christine Steinkuehler, University of Wisconsin-Madison
“Extending the Legacy of Leo Van Lier: Ecologizing Pedagogy” Organizers: Dwight Atkinson, University of Arizona and Steven L. Thorne, Portland State University
“Applied Linguistics and Conversation Analysis: Ways of Problematizing the Monolingual Standard” Organizers: Hansun Waring, Columbia University and John Hellermann, Portland State University


“Language and Asylum in the Age of Suspicion” (AAA@AAAL) Organizers: Brigitta Busch, University of Vienna and Marco Jacquemet, University of San Francisco
“Multilingualism and Indigenous Language Education” (LSA@AAAL) Organizers: Teresa McCarty, UCLA, Carmel O’Shannessy, University of Michigan and Tiffany Lee, University of New Mexico
“Transdisciplinarity in Applied Linguistics” (AILA@AAAL) Organizers: Claire Kramsch, UC Berkeley, Marjolijn Verspoor, Groningen University and Daniel Perrin, Zurich University of Applied Science
“Creativity and Language Teaching” (TESOL@AAAL) Organizers: Rodney Jones, University of Reading, Julie Choi, University of Melbourne and Judy Sharkey, University of New Hampshire
“Crossing Disciplinary Boundaries: Challenges to Construct Definition in EAP/LSP Assessment” (ILTA@AAAL) Organizers: Cathie Elder and Ute Knoch, University of Melbourne and Barbara Hoekje, Drexel University

CONFERENCE CHAIR: Tim McNamara, University of Melbourne

Proposals are invited for individual papers, colloquia, posters, roundtable discussions and shared shorter paper sessions. Particularly welcome are proposals which address the conference theme, although this is not mandatory. The deadline for proposal submission is 5:00 p.m. on August 17, 2015 (EDT; UTC-4).

Proposals are welcome in the following topic strands:

Analysis of Discourse and Interaction (DIS)
Assessment and Evaluation (ASE)
Bilingual, Immersion, Heritage, and Minority Education (BIH)
Corpus Linguistics (COR)
Educational Linguistics (EDU)
Language and Cognition (COG)
Language and Ideology (LID)
Language and Technology (TEC)
Language Maintenance and Revitalization (LMR)
Language Planning and Policy (LPP)
Language, Culture and Socialization (LCS)
Pragmatics (PRG)
Reading, Writing, and Literacy (RWL)
Research Methods (REM)
Second and Foreign Language Pedagogy (PED)
Second Language Acquisition, Language Acquisition, and Attrition (SLA)
Sociolinguistics (SOC)
Text Analysis (Written Discourse) (TXT)
Translation and Interpretation (TRI)
Vocabulary (VOC)

Full details of how to submit proposals can be found at
The proposal system will open on June 1.
Submission Deadline: August 17, 2016, 5:00 pm Eastern Daylight Time

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) are addressed on the conference proposal website. For further questions regarding the academic aspects of the conference, including proposal submission policies, please contact For further questions regarding the practicalities of how to submit a proposal or other technical questions, please contact